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The Positives and Negatives of Drinking Coffee for Weight Loss

While drinking coffee is associated with numerous health benefits – sharper consciousness, lower risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and memory loss, even slowing of aging process, but exactly how coffee affects in weight loss are bit complicated. That’s why experts are still trying to figure out the positives and negatives of increasing coffee intake to slenderize. Let’s check out how habit of coffee could assist or impair your weight loss efforts.


Coffee could help you eat less

It requires to consume a slightly fewer calories than what you burn throughout your daily activities to lose pounds and coffee might help regarding that. “The caffeine in coffee can act as an appetite suppressant, so it could lower your hungriness when you eat,” says Kostro Miller, RD. A study published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition reveals that, taking coffee 30 minutes to 4 hours before a meal may help to reduced eating than you would do at usual time. Even, another related study shows that this hunger-reducing effect may last to the next day to those people who are obese or over-weight and drink a moderate (approximately 200ml) amount of coffee each day.

Drinking Coffee for Weight Loss
Drinking Coffee for Weight Loss


You might crave sweets for coffee

Many often order a pastry or donut along with coffee may be because caffeine in coffee triggers cravings for sweets, as per a study in the Journal of Food Science. Again, to neutralize the bitterness we often add flavored syrups, sugar or cream to our coffee, and for that taste boosters, when we overdo, make a cup of coffee a calorie bomb. In fact coffee, on its own is a low-calorie beverage, so going for healthier options like taking it as black or just with a touch of additives could make coffee a convenient addition to your diet habit for weight loss.


Coffee might help doing tough exercises

Increasing physical activity paired with sound diet plan can aid in supporting weight loss, if you struggle to do tough exercises, try adding coffee before your workout time. According to Kostro Miller, caffeine can also boost energy, when taken pre-workout, to give you the feelings of more energized to do tough gym activities. This happens due to the stimulating activities of caffeine which can improve your blood pumping, increase endurance, power and muscle strength, and even giving a feeling of doing less while working hard.


Individual’s responds to coffee are different

Not everyone will likely to get benefitted or affected from coffee the same way. This is because of certain genes in our cells that determine how caffeine will be processed in our body. People who are fast metabolizers can enjoy more coffee as they want and can reap the maximum benefits while the slow metabolizers may get reversed experience like lower athletic performance with high blood pressure risk, pre-diabetes and heart attack. If drinking coffee tends to make you more energized, you might think of yourself a fast metabolizer.

Coffee is an excellent choice when you are trying to slim down, however, make sure to drink plenty of water and do not take coffee as alternative to other important meals.


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