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6 Breakfast rules For Weight Loss

When weight loss is your ultimate goal, breakfast could set the ground for rest of the day. Consuming the first meal of the day in wrong way could amplify your cravings and let you down big time before even the day starts. Again, filling up with the right foods to start the day following proper rules can restrict your cravings until lunchtime to ease shed weight. Here are 6 healthy breakfast rules you can follow to set the tone for the day.

Protein priority

Proteins are that type of satiating micronutrients that signal your brain when you are full and help you less likely to crave for snacks before lunch. Consuming high quality adequate amount of proteins helps preventing muscle loss which can happen when someone wants to shed pounds fast. To get the best result, you should incorporate 20 grams of good protein in your breakfast menu each day.

Say no to naked carbs

It’s a common practice in the United States to take high carb foods for breakfast. If you take carb foods alone, it could result in a quick spike in the blood glucose level as they digest fast followed by a quick energy shortage. This is why it is smart way to pair your cereal or toast with fat, protein and fiber to keep your sugar and satiety levels stable.

Limit drinking your calories

A sugary drink could give you as many calories as a snack or meal but you will not feel much full. Thus high calorie drink can help add up weight and contribute to serious health issues like gout, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Limiting frequency of drinking your favorite sugar rich milk coffee and turning in to less sugary beverage drinking habit could take some time to adjust but can result in preventing more calorie intake when followed carefully.

Limit drinking your calories
Limit drinking your calories

Eat leisurely

You should eat like you are super lazy to get full satisfaction and savor from each bite of your breakfast meal. Slow eating has other benefits of better digestion while feeling full with less consumption. Experts recommend that each of your main meal time should last for 30 minutes. Of course, in this hurried life it may sounds impractical but still extending your morning meal to 5 to 10 minutes more can create huge difference.

Make early plans

It is often unrealistic for many to take time cooking a healthy morning breakfast every day from scratch. Yet you can make your morning smooth if you plan and have your meal prep in advance.  Egg cups, baked or overnight oats all can be prepared and stored in advance and then warmed up to cook up a full meal later.

Eat your breakfast on a plate

We often take our breakfast on the move which is a very expected way to get distracted and that might eventually lead us to overeating. A full serving on a plate in front of you can give you the initial satisfying part of the meal you are about to eat. If possible, try to enjoy your first meal of the day with family to feel more satiated as part of a healthy way to shed weight.


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