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6 Habits to Boost Weight Loss the Right Way

Today fad diets are offered everywhere, with promises to return drastic outcomes in quick times. Truly to say, most of them are traps, might be good for few days but then, earlier form will be back which result in adverse effect to your metabolic rate, making your goal to shed pounds more challenging. Alternatively, a better way to reducing weight is adapting to small, effective and sustainable habits over time. Take a look at these six new healthy habits you can adapt and cultivate to keep you motivated to lose weight.

Make a fiber goal

High fiber containing foods like oatmeal, whole grains, legumes, fruits, leafy greens and legumes can fill you up long for fewer calories. According to a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that aiming a simple target of taking 30 grams of fiber every day can aid in lowering blood pressure, increase your body’s insulin sensitivity and lose weight just as efficiently as a more complex diet.

Enjoy your lunch

Being attentive to why and what you are about to eat with peace in mind goes a long way to feel satiated alongside a great way to reduce stress levels. In fact, according to a study in The British Journal of Nutrition, behavioral approaches that inspire a more focused way of eating could encourage sustained reductions in weight loss and energy intake.

Consume less added sugar

Dropping extra sugar consumption can promote weight loss and progress several aspects of your health, including your dental health, heart, liver and blood sugar levels. To get that, try cut down just one cube each day for your tea or coffee. One cube of sugar is equivalent to 4 grams or 15 calories, which means you are taking 5475 calories less in a year.

Drink before you eat

“The next time you feel hungry, take a glass of water first”, says Brandon Nicholas, a fitness nutritionist from The Fitness Tribe.  Drinking a glass of water before meal could make you feel fuller, satisfied and decrease your craving for more calorie intake. And it was supported by a 2008 study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association which shows that, in the water preload condition meal energy intake reduced approximately 13% compared to no-preload condition.

Consume less added sugar
Consume less added sugar

Have a post-meal walk

Going for a post-meal walk within an hour of eating is another great way to keep up with daily movement while supporting better digestion and weight loss. Make a habit of just 15 minutes of walk (5 minutes multiplied by 3) which could burn 65 -70 calories depending on your body weight per day. Follow this habit and you could save up to 7 pounds in a year.

Make a habit of stretching

Stretching gives flexibility to our muscles and joints by increasing blood flow to maintain motion and movement, and prevents muscles from tightness and knots. A 15 minutes stretching in a day could burn up to 45 calories which sums up more than 16,000 calories or 5 pounds in a year makes it a great way to shed pounds effectively.


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