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3 Metabolism-friendly micronutrients for weight loss

When you try to find ways to accomplish weight loss, you see different types of supplements, pills in the drug stores that claim to enhance your metabolism. While these things are modest enough based on scientific grounds, you can have remarkable results by focusing just on the fundamentals like tracking intake calories, intense workouts, getting proper sleep and taking the right supplements. Along with these, here let’s look at three micronutrients that could give boost to your metabolism during your weight loss challenge for better results.

Choline: Although, by definition, choline is not a vitamin, a part of vitamin B instead but it’s an essential micronutrient that helps the body by breaking fats into smaller pieces and transform them to energy. A recent study published in the Journal of American College of Nutrition stated that an egg breakfast which is a good source of choline induce greater contentment and significantly reduce short-term food consumption compared to a calorie equivalent other foods. Choline is also good for central nervous system functioning which is an added benefit. Apart from egg yolks, other great sources of choline are mangoes, peanuts, tomatoes, potatoes, red meat, liver, chicken breast, lentils, bananas and milk.

Magnesium: Magnesium helps your body to conduct muscle contraction, nerve impulses, and regular heart rhythm by playing a role in transport of other minerals like potassium and calcium. Magnesium is not only important for muscles, heart and kidney functioning, it also help build bones and teeth. In relation to weight loss, a study has reported that higher magnesium levels help controlling glucose and insulin levels in blood and reduce water retention and bloating. This way magnesium improves metabolism activity since poorly controlled glucose and insulin induce body fat storage. Magnesium is found in good portion in foods like dark leafy greens, chocolates, whole grains, nuts, beans, fish and dairy products. Other top choice includes salmon and avocados which are good sources of this micronutrient as well as certain healthy fat.

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weight loss

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is a vital micronutrient which is well known for giving stronger bones and improved immunity. Studies have shown that people with higher BMI (body mass index) and body fat percentage are linked with reduced vitamin D levels in blood. Vitamin D potentially lowers the formation of new fat cells effectively and helps reducing accumulation and storage of body fat. Vitamin D increases levels of serotonin which helps reducing appetite while give feeling of full and satisfied. It also increases blood testosterone levels which are proven for maintaining muscle mass, burn more calories and keep you stay physically active for long. You can get this vital micronutrient from supplements, flesh of oily fishes like salmons, sardines, mackerel and herring, red meat, egg yolks or, just exposure to sun.

Weight loss demands healthy lifestyle, well-balanced diets, tracking calorie intake, getting ample sleep and continuing high levels of physical movements. Maintaining these all together with dedication, consistency and effort will help you getting more energy, healthy mood and the body transformation you have been looking for.


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